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A Cadaver Lab Experience, No Scalpel Required

Distributed by Epredia

Introducing 3D Multiview Anatomy, a Revolutionary Virtual Human Anatomy Software Tool

A time-honored and challenging rite of passage, the dissection experience is essential for medical students to gain fundamental knowledge and respect for the mysteries of the human body.

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3D Multiview Anatomy enables an in-depth, powerful virtual exploration of the human body through multiple levels of dissection. The platform can facilitate:

  • A deeper level of student comprehension through unrestricted access to a cadaver experience
  • Reduction in need for in-person cadaver lab sessions
  • Enhancement of curricula, professors are able to build more robust learning experiences
  • Opportunities for more enriching educational experiences across various medical-, anatomy- and biology-related programs and courses
Student Using 3d Multiview Anatomy System on Tablet

Technology Features

Multilayer Icon

Multilayer Dissection

Donated cadavers were carefully dissected from surface to internal layers of the body step by step by clinical doctors of Okayama University.

3D Sphere Icon

Multiview 3D Image Capturing

Anatomy images viewable from any angle make it easy to understand the geographic relationship inside the body.

Camera Icon

Photographed Anatomy Image

Unlimited information of photographed anatomy images assists lifelong learning of doctors.

Magnifying Glass Icon

High-resolution Image Capturing

High-resolution images above 4K (four times higher resolution than full HD) enable identification of minute and complex structures of body parts.

3d Shapes Icons

Precise 3D Shape Reproduction

Label Display Magnifying Glass Icon
Blurred Image of Label Display
Label Icon Label Icon

Graphic Imagery
Click to View

Label Display Magnifying Glass Icon Blurred Image of Label Display
Label Icon Label Icon

Graphic Imagery
Click to View

Label Display


Over 1,200 name labels of body parts such as blood vessels, muscles, bones and nerves can be displayed over the photographed images. Newly developed CG synthesis technology enables correct movement of name labels in accordance with the change of the view point.

Further Information

Muscles have label info which shows detailed

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Bookmark Magnifying Glass Icon
Blurred Image of Bookmark
Bookmark Icon Bookmark Icon

Graphic Imagery
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Bookmark Magnifying Glass Icon Blurred Image of Bookmark
Bookmark Icon Bookmark Icon

Graphic Imagery
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Viewing state, including angle, layer and zoom ratio, can be bookmarked. Users can easily create teaching materials by using multiple bookmarked views and ordering them in the desired order.

Overlay Magnifying Glass Icon
Blurred Image of Overlay
Overlay Icon Overlay Icon

Graphic Imagery
Click to View

Label Display Magnifying Glass Icon Blurred Image of Label Display
Overlay Icon Overlay Icon

Graphic Imagery
Click to View


Transparent Interlayer Overlay

Transparent interlayer overlay function enables display of an inner layer of the body through the skin layer. Users can improve their skills to estimate the geographic relationship inside the body by observing the skin surface.

Search Magnifying Glass Icon
Blurred Image of search
Search Icon Search Icon

Graphic Imagery
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Label Display Magnifying Glass Icon Blurred Image of Label Display
Search Icon Search Icon

Graphic Imagery
Click to View


Keyword Search

Keyword search function enables easy search of subjects which users want to look into and utilize in teaching situation. Users can jump to the related images by clicking the search result.

Screen Capture Magnifying Glass Icon
Blurred Image of screen-capture
Screen Capture Icon Screen Capture Icon

Graphic Imagery
Click to View

Screen Capture Magnifying Glass Icon Blurred Image of Screen Capture
Screen Capture Icon Screen Capture Icon

Graphic Imagery
Click to View

Screen Capture

Screen Capture & Citation

Users can cite the anatomy images to the paper or lesson note. By clicking the Shoot button, users can copy the image on the viewing screen to the clipboard.


Contents Name Description Main Department Layer #
Cranium An observation of a skull.
An observation of the skull for a head and neck structure understanding.
Dentistry 3
Craniotomy Anatomy required to understand transsylvian approach
10 layered dissection to observe the most general craniotomy procedure in neurosurgery.
Neurosurgery 10
Craniotomy (magnification) Anatomy required to understand transsylvian approach (magnification)
The last layer of 'Craniotomy' magnified to observe anterior cerebral artery, middle cerebral artery, optic nerve, etc.
Neurosurgery 1
Craniotomy-2 Anatomy required to understand orbito-zygomatic approach
13 layered dissection to observe temporal fascia, sphenoidal ridge, oculomotor nerve, etc.
Neurosurgery 13
Craniotomy-3 Anatomy required to understand combined petrosal approach
9 layered dissection to observe dura mater, trigeminal nerve, oculomotor nerve, etc.
Neurosurgery 9
Eyeball Anatomy required to understand eye surgery
15 layered dissection of eyeball to observe lens, retina, ophthalmic artery, etc.
Ophthalmology 15
Middle ear Clinical anatomy of middle ear
6 layered dissection required for middle ear surgery.
Paranasal sinus and parapharyngeal Clinical anatomy of paranasal sinus and parapharyngeal
9 layered dissection required for craniofacial surgery.
Face-Mandible-Cervical part-1 Anatomy of upper and lower jaws and relevant cervical region required for implant surgery
8 layered dissection to observe mucous membrane of maxillary sinus, mandibular canal and anastomotic part of hypoglossal nerve, sublingual artery, and submental artery.
Dentistry 8
Neck Anatomy required to understand brachial plexus block
12 layered dissection of cervical region to observe posterior tubercle, brachial plexus, airway, superficial cervical plexus, sternocleidomastoid, pectoralis major, etc.
Anesthesiology 12
Submental region, mouth floor Anatomy of submental region and mouth floor required for neck surgery (including paranasal sinus, tongue, mouth, and throat)
7 layered dissection to observe marginal mandibular branch of facial nerve, facial artery and vein, lingual nerve, and Wharton's duct.
Middle ear, inner ear, parotid gland Clinical anatomy of middle ear, inner ear, parotid gland
22 layered dissection required for surgery of middle ear, inner ear, and parotid gland.
ENT 22
Face, Mandible, Cervical part-2 Anatomy required for a dentistry surgery
7 layered dissection for dentistry surgery.
Dentistry 7
Occipital region, Posterior region of the neck and Regio cervicales lateralis Anatomy required for an occipital region and a brachial plexus block
29 layered dissection required for a greater occipital nerve block, a nervus-occipitalis-minor block, or a third-occipital-nerve block.
Anesthesiology 29
Posterior fossa-craniocervical junction (posterior) Anatomy required for a whettle-bone part surgery
6 layered dissection for whettle-bone part surgery.
Neurosurgery 6
Bilateral anterior neck "Anatomy of anterior view of bilateral neck region
Anterior view of bilateral neck region shows basic anatomical structure of this region as well as essential anatomy for central venous catheterization."
Craniomandibular articulation and surroundings Anatomy of craniomandibular articulation
This content includes 15 layered dissection of the craniomandibular articulation and surroundings to contribute to treatment for diseases associated with the joint. Anatomy of parotideomasseteric region, infratemporal fossa, parapharyngeal structures and craniomandibular articulation are observed in this content.
Brain Arteries Brain anatomy required to understand vascular supply of the brain.
The 11-layered dissection of the brain to observe internal carotid artery system and vertebral-basilar artery system and their distribution.
Contents Name Description Main Department Layer #
Chest Anatomy required to understand thoracic surgery
10 layered dissection of chest to observe cervical region, deep mediastinum, great vessels, etc. which cannot be seen at usual operation.
Heart Anatomy required to understand heart surgery: What's behind?
7 layered dissection of heart to observe body venous system, right-sided system, left-sided system, etc. along with blood stream.
Heart Surgery 7
Cervical vertebra Anatomy which is important for backward approach of cervical vertebra.
Anatomy of muscles, nerves and vessels which are important for backward approach of cervical vertebra.
Orthopedics 12
Esophagus Clinical anatomy of mediastinum required to understand esophagus surgery
5 layered dissection of superior mediastinum including recurrent laryngeal nerve, vagus nerve, bronchial artery, etc. in consideration of thoracoscopic esophagectomy in prone position.
Digestive Surgery 5
Thoracic vertebrae, the thorax Anatomy required for the nerve block of a thorax and a vertebral body
17 layered dissection required for paravertebral block (PVB).
Anesthesiology 17
Posterior lumbar part Anatomy required for a posterior lumbar part surgery
10 layered dissection to understand back Muscles and lumbar muscles group, run of a lumbar nerve and a sciatic nerve, positional relation between an intervertebral disk and a radicular, etc.
Orthopedics 10
Contents Name Description Main Department Layer #
Abdomen Anatomy required to understand surgery of Hepato-Biliary-Pancreatic
Understanding of 3D conformation to learn surgery in hepatic portal and head of pancreas.
Digestive Surgery 10
Abdomen, Femur Anatomy of abdomen and femur
16 layered dissection required for abdominal and femoral nerve blocks and surgery of inguinal hernia.
Anesthesiology 16
Rectum Anatomy required to understand rectal surgery
21 layered dissection of inner pelvis. (1) Pelvic anatomy: showing network of blood vessels and nerves in membrane without bone resection. (2) Sectional anatomy: showing sectional images by resecting bones.
Digestive Surgery 21
Female pelvis Anatomy required to understand surgery of female pelvis
11 layered dissection of female pelvis to observe both the surface and inside the body.
Urology 11
Upper abdomen (hepatobiliary and pancreas) Anatomy required for abdominal surgery
15 layered dissection required for abdominal surgery.
Digestive Surgery 15
General remarks for abdomen Anatomy required to understand general structure of abdominal organs for medical doctors and nurses
28 layered dissection of abdomnal region to observe upper and lower digestive tract, lumbar plexu, sceliac plexus, lumbar quadrate muscle, psoas major muscle, urethra, rectum and vagina.
Contents Name Description Main Department Layer #
Shoulder Anatomy required to understand shoulder surgery
13 layered dissection of shoulder to observe deltoid, trapezius, pectoralis major, latissimus dorsi, pectoralis minor, biceps brachii, rotator cuff, glenoid cavity, etc.
Orthopedics 13
Axilla Anatomy of axilla required to understand axillary lymph node dissection and axillary brachial plexus block
10 layered dissection required for the axillary dissection.
Left elbow Anatomy required to understand elbow surgery
15 layered dissection of left elbow to observe exterior carpi ulnaris, extensor digitorum, abductor pollicis longus muscle, etc.
Orthopedics 15
Right elbow Anatomy required to understand elbow surgery
15 layered dissection of right elbow to observe basilic vein, brachialis, annular ligament, etc.
Orthopedics 15
Left forearm Anatomy required to understand wrist surgery
14 layered dissection of left forearm to observe medial antebrachial cutaneous nerve, ulnar nerve, median nerve, etc.
Orthopedics 14
Hip Anatomy required to understand hip joint surgery
14 layered dissection of hip to observe tensor fasciae latae muscle, gluteus maximus, gluteus medius, vastus lateralis, acetabulum, articular labrum, sciatic nerve, sciatic notch, etc.
Orthopedics 14
Left knee Anatomy required to understand artificial knee joint placement
5 layered dissection of left knee to observe great saphenous vein, patella, quadriceps muscle, quadriceps tendon, tibialis anterior, peroneal muscle, patellar ligament, etc.
Orthopedics 5
Left knee flexion Anatomy required to understand artificial knee joint placement
The last layer of 'Left Knee' flexed to observe meniscus, collateral ligament, femur, etc.
Orthopedics 1
Knee Anatomy required to understand back knee surgery
9 layered dissection of knee to observe great saphenous vein, iliotibial band, gastrocnemius muscle, biceps muscle of thigh, tibial nerve, peroneal nerve, pes anserinus, soleus muscle, posterior cruciate ligament, meniscus, etc.
Orthopedics 9
Ankle (L) Anatomy required to understand foot and ankle surgery
8 layered dissection of left ankle to observe lateral tendon, ligament, articular surface, etc.
Orthopedics 8
Ankle (R) Anatomy required to understand foot and ankle surgery
8 layered dissection of right ankle to observe medial tendon, ligament, articular surface, etc.
Orthopedics 8
Abdominal wall, buttock, thigh Anatomy of abdominal wall, buttock, and thigh required to understand femoral nerve block, sciatic nerve block, etc.
28 layered dissection to understand muscles and nerve tracts from buttock to thigh.
Anesthesiology 28
Posterior antebrachial region and dorsum of hand Anatomy from posterior antebrachial region to dorsum of hand and fingers. 6 layered dissection was performed to identify origin and insertion of extensor muscles, radiation of Radial nerve and Ulnar nerve. The dorsal side of fingers are dissected in order to show tendons and aponeuroses. 6
Anterio anterobrachial region and palm of hand Anatomy from anterior antebrachial region to palm of hand and fingers. 8 layered dissection was performed to identify origin and insertion of flexor muscles, radiation of Median nerve and Ulnar nerve. The ventral side of fingers are dissected in order to show tendons and aponeuroses. 8
The leg and the knee (posterior view) Eleven layers focused on the knee and the posterior compartment of the leg. In the knee, the lower part of the thigh muscles, nerves (sciatic, tibial and common fibular), the popliteal artery, the meniscus and the posterior cruciate ligament of the knee. In the leg, muscles (gastrocnemius, soleus, plantaris, tibialis posterior, popliteus, and fibularis longus/brevis), nerves (tibial and common fibular) and the posterior tibial artery, which passes behind the medial malleolus in to the foot. Orthopedics 11
The leg and the foot (anterior view) Six layers focused on the anterior compartment of leg: muscles (tibialis anterior, extensor hallucis longus, extensor digitorum longus and fibularis tertius/brevis/longus), nerves (sural, superficial fibular and deep fibular) and anterior tibial artery, which runs along the interosseus membrane. Orthopedics 6
Wrist Anatomy required to understand arterial line and wrist block
10 layered dissection of wrist and hand to observe radial and ulnar artery, radial and median and ulnar nerve, flexor digitorum tendons, etc.
Orthopedics 10

Single-location and multi-location with multi display packages are available.

Computer Icon

Standalone Package

  • Lectures and seminars at medical schools
  • Graduate medical education to residents
Computer Network Icon

Network Package

  • Assist tool for cadaver dissection
  • Self-study material for students and residents
  • Utilization in multiple clinical departments
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Epredia distributes the 3D Multiview Anatomy System in the United States. For research use only, not for use in diagnostic procedures.


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